The profile of WAGMONT’s operation is construction, production and sale of scales and accessories as well as services strictly associated with weighing industry. Our specialty are scales, in particular - heavy weighing metrology, namely various types of weighing devices based on the latest technologies

Each product we market is thoroughly verified and its capabilities are tested, thanks to which, when Customers buy our products, they have a guarantee of top-quality both in terms of workmanship as well as construction, technology and service.

Prior to marketing, our scales undergo numerous tests providing them with quality certificates which are significant and approved by the Central Office of Measures according to EU Directives and Polish Standards.

Bearing in mind the quality of workmanship, we do not forget about useful and aesthetic properties of our scales, therefore, aesthetic finishing and modern elements facilitating operation are as important to us as the scales’ construction.

Keeping up with the developing market and newly arising needs of many companies, we are constantly broadening our offer with specialized and dedicated weighing devices for particular industries and uses, taking into account specific conditions of use, tonnage of loads, their nature, etc.